
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A Rant and an Apology

 Edited to add: This is the email they sent out a friend sent me this copy of the email.......It is not from Me!!! Please disregard and accept my apologies that it was sent out to you without my knowledge......

(Hope you get this on time,sorry I didn't inform you about my trip in Spain for a program, I'm presently in Madrid and am having some difficulties here because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable things were kept.I want  you to assist me with a loan of (2,600 Euro = $3300) to sort-out my hotel bills and  to get myself back home.

I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively,I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me with,I'll Refund the money back to you as soon as i return, let me know if you can be of any help. I don't have a phone where i can be reached. Please let me know immediately.
   Wendy Ford)

 I would never ever ask my friends for money! I have my own thank you very much! Can you tell I am mad about this!And I hope all my friends will disregard this flagrant fraud and know that it was and is not me.......I have fixed my account but the emails had already been sent out.......just disregard those please and know that it was not me.........

Hi everyone hope all is well with you........last night my email was high daughter who lives at home said mom did you know you were in Madrid Spain and need money to pay hotel bills and get home.......and by the way the embassy was not helping you at all......what did you say!!!!!!!!!!the bottom line is that my email account was hi jacked and all my lists were stolen........if you get an email that says its from me and is asking for money please know that it is a scam.........I am not in Spain and I do not need any money from my email friends or blogging friends........This makes me so angry that anyone would stoop so low as to steal information from other people let alone try and get the people they know to send them money........I do apologize for the emails that I am sure will be coming to you. Please know that I have no control over it. I have reported it to Yahoo and they are working on it.......I hope they catch whoever did this.............they had no right to take the names from my addy list and try and defraud them by asking for money.....I am seeing red right now I am so mad..........Not only did they steal them from me but now I no longer have access to the addys unless you email me saying you got one of these.........I cannot email everyone as I can't remember all the email addys that were in the address was a lot........anyhow please know that I would never ask for money through an email or letter for that matter.......that being said I hope you have a wonderful day and I pray that this does not happen to anyone else......


martine said...

Thanks for warning and posting it on your blog.
I did receive an email from Madrid from you and had no idea what to do with it.
Greetings Martine

Chookyblue...... said...

yep just got they still have you.......

Anonymous said...

I have got also one

Greetings Verona

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hey Wendy! Are you SURE you don't need money to get home? I'll send you money if you buy some of the..make your private parts bigger than believable.. stuff I'm hawkin ~lol~

I have been hi-jacked a couple of times. I have started changing my password every month or so and usually include lower case, caps, symbols and numbers in it now and haven't had a problem for a while.

Most people, if they have been on the net for a while, realize these things happen through no fault of yours.

Can you imagine all the good these hackers could do if they would just put their time and efforts to a positive use. Sad isn't it.

Have a great day!!

Gerry said...

Hello Wendy,
I also received an email. That's why I checked here first.

If it helps, the email I received was sent from

I would think that Yahoo could help trace it. Best of luck to you!

Melissa ;-) said...

I got one, but knew it was not from you. It was obviously a fake, but no less aggravating for you to have to deal with! When I first started this job, my team leader was hijacked and when we all came in in the morning, the first thing we all did was open our email from her and porn images began opening themselves all over the place faster than you could click them shut! Scared me half to death because I thought I would get in trouble. Too bad these hackers can't find something to do with their time that would contribut e to society rather than causing havoc for innocent folks!

Michelle said...

FREAKS! They are everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Wendy I know it is so frustrating. Everyone knows it is of no fault of your own!!!! My hubby is a mobile computer tech and he spends a lot of his time cleaning up the mess that is caused by these things.

Hugs to you dear friend!

Ann Flowers

Judy S. said...

How annoying! You'd think people would have better things to do with their time, wouldn't you? The same thing has happened to a couple of my friends. It made them mad also... I hope it doesn't take you too long to get it straightened out.

Cat said...

Hey Wendy I DIDN'T get one :) but if I did I would have known it was a fake . . .
Cat xxx

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Wendy, I did get this but knew it was a fraud. My mother is 84 and actually got a phone call saying her grandson was in England and basically the same thing. Mom knew enough to ask where his daughter was...he has a son! lol


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