Happy Stitching Everyone,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Signature
Happy Stitching Everyone,
CQI RR Update

Below is a pic of one seam that I am finished stitching so far. I may add some beading later as I am still trying to decide what to put if I do. I am also working on a spiderweb motif and spider for Carols block. I will show a pic of that area when I have completed the web and spider. Carol's block has some very pretty work done already, and we are winding down with this rr. I can hardly wait to see my block and all the work that has been done to it.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
More Great Finds

The next item is a cute pair of shoes that will soon become two pin cushions. They are size 5 and will make a very nice size Victorian style pin cushion. My daughter has already claimed one for herself. She wants a red and black design.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Little Bit of This and That
Well it has been a little bit since I last posted as things have been busy on this side of my world. I have been working on some projects though some I can show and some I cannot since it is for a swap that I am in that is a secret. I am a part of Stitching Angels swap over on Helen's blog http://hugsnkisses.typepad.com/hugsfromhelen/ you should go on over there and visit. There are free patterns to download and use from seven designers that have put their awesome talents to use for the angels in this swap. We can use them if we like or use patterns that we already have. We have to make three handmade gifts for our partners by the end of October. I am having so much fun. I have visited my partners blog and she does really beautiful work. I would tell you to go visit her, but this is a secret swap so I cannot give you her blog addy. Although if you go to Helen's blog she has a list of every ones blogs on her site, just do like I did and go through all of them. There are some really talented ladies around the world. Anyhow, I have one made and am working on the second. I am undecided whether to mail out all at one time or do them seperately.Hmmmm.......may just mail as I finish them.
This is a thread bucket that I made this past weekend. All I need to do is put the straps on and the lining.

Last but not least is this dish I happened to find at the thrift store also. I believe it is a candy dish although I could be wrong and it is a nut dish? Does anyone know? Anyhow, I like it so now it has a place in my home. I just love the colors and the roses in this dish.

Well that is all I have for today, I will try and post more on tomorrow of the things I am doing. Happy Stitching Everyone,
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Blog Giveaway at........
Also I have emailed everyone their swap partner for the pc swap on stitchin fingers pc group, we will have until the 5th of Oct. to make and mail them out. They are fall/autumn themed and I am really looking forward to the swap. I will be swapping multiples and will post the ones I receive as well as the ones I mail off. Also, a really small friend of mine (she is going to be 5 this month) is going to get a pc for her birthday. She lives in TX, so I will send it out next week sometime.
And I am so happy for my best friend in TX, she just got engaged and I am now planning on a wedding quilt for her and her future husband, which is also a very good ministry friend of ours. We are so happy for both of them and wish them many long years of happiness.
Now, I need to get off here and start on my Stitching Angel project so that I can get that in the mail to my swap partner. I will post pics when I finish the project. Happy Stitching
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Christmas Bell Pull

Trying to Get Inspired to Quilt

"Blue Ocean" quilt top

Season to Season Share Block Is Home