New Signature
Finally decided to use a new signature line after my posts. I had been thinking about it for a while but never had gotten around to using it. Hmmmm.....I might make more changes to my blog soon or not. Depends on how much time I have to do it in. Free time is a highly precious thing at the moment.Happy Stitching Everyone,
I don't know any other way to contact you and you must not have a Flickr account, cuz that route didn't work either. I just wanted you to know that you won my Blogaversary give away on Getting to Crazy.
I never posted a picture of what I'm sending the winner because I want to personalize what I will be sending. So, I'd like to know what your favorite colors, things, etc. are.
Please contact me at lasassone(at)aol(dot)com.
Congratulations Wendy, you won the Blogaversary of Louanne.
I liked your new signature, it looks so stylish. I was thinking about a signature, you gave me a nice idea.
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