A big thank you for all those who left such nice comments and joined in on the fun. I had so much fun with this drawing that I may do it again very soon.
Happy Stitching Everyone,
As always Happy Stitching,
I think this is all for today, as I do not have anything else to post about. I did get up one of my design walls today. I have enough wall space to have two in this sewing room unless I have to use the extra wall for storage later on. I put up a few things today and did some stitching, but other than that I have not accomplished much. Until next time,
Happy Stitching,
If you happen to be a crazy quilter and would prefer a squishie with appropriate fabrics for crazy quilting I will substitute those for the sane/traditional fabrics if you prefer. Keep that in mind if your name is picked. Just two more days until the drawing and I hope everyone has signed up and if not you still have a little time left to do so.
Happy Stitching,
ok, I have several more pics to upload and for some reason I cannot seem to be able to upload the pics. I will try again later in the day. I have more fabric and such to show you but blogger is being contrary today. Anyhow, this will give you a small sneak peak at what will be arriving for the winner of the drawing. As always, Happy Stitching,
Happy Stitching Everyone!
Happy Stitching,
I hope everyone is enjoying the fall season as much as I am. This is one of my favorite times of the year. All the glorious colors on the trees and bushes. I lived in Texas for eleven yrs. and forgot how beautiful Alabama was in the fall. Although I love Texas, this is one thing that I did miss while there.
Happy Stitching,
This one is from Kathy in MN, the colors are so beautiful and I just love the way she did the fibers on this card.Last but certainly not least is the card from Gina all the way from Australia. I love the little lady bug and all the stitching. Is this not a wonderful card
Whew, this is one long post on today, anyhow last year I had bought some crochet magazines that were in a group inside a plastic bag. Well in the middle of those were these patterns for counted cross stitch which I do not do. Sooooooooo......... I have made pics of them in sets of two. I will give these to the first four people who respond to this post. Pics are below, please specify which set you would like to have and it will be first come first serve on these. Thank you ladies.
Well this post is done for today hope you enjoy the pics. Happy Stitching everyone,
I have also made this pin cushion and am working on several other projects. No photos of them as of yet. But, I did take a quick one of the pin cushion. I still need to make the bow for this and it will be complete.